Saturday, December 18, 2004

Sorry about that I posted the same picture twice. Don't know how to, or if you can change a pic once posted so will just post this one. This is the flash pic. Posted by Hello

This one was taken with flash and you can see the detail of the more brightly lit decorations better but the less bright ones kind of blend in with the background. also the projection on the house gets completely lost when you use flash. I will try to get a couple more better ones up before Christmas. Posted by Hello

Finally got up a couple of pics of the outside lights. Had a bit of electrical problems and had to fix a circuit. It turns out that the problem was not caused by the outside decorations overloading or anything like that. It was caused by a wire coming undone in a socket inside, which I have now fixed. Anyway this pic shows everything but the more strongly lighted things show up a little washed out, and in the next pic I used flash and it looks a little darker but the deer and stuff show up better. Posted by Hello

Sunday, December 12, 2004

The new kitty decorating for Christmas!! Posted by Hello

This is the cat next to my shoe to show how little he is. But he is very much the explorer. He goes all over the house and isn't afraid of much. Also loves people and is already turning in to quite a lap cat and we only went up to get him yesterday. Posted by Hello

Had some problems with my Christmas lights and need to do some circuit repairs. Guess they were too much this year. Will post pics as soon as I get them repaired. In the mean time here are a couple of pics of Jesse's new cat. It doesn't have a name yet and we are bugging Jesse to name him soon.  Posted by Hello